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Is Glaucoma Hereditary?

An optometrist showing a patient their clipboard after an eye exam and explaining their hereditary risk of developing glaucoma.

Your vision is precious—it helps you see and interact with the world around you. However, eye conditions can sometimes develop and affect your quality of life. One common, subtle culprit is a condition called glaucoma, also known as “the silent thief of sight.” Glaucoma is a condition that affects the optic nerve. It has a […]

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What Are the Best Eye Drops for Dry Eyes?

A close-up image of a young adult holding up a bottle of eye drops to help with dry eye disease.

Dealing with dry eyes is never a fun experience. This condition causes irritation, inflammation, stinging sensations, and more. It’s an extremely common problem—but relief is often closer than you might think. Eye drops offer a safe and effective way to reduce your symptoms. There are over-the-counter and prescription options available depending on your specific needs. […]

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