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Category: Eye Health Articles

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Are Blue Eyes More Sensitive to Sunlight?

An intense close-up of piercing blue eyes.

For those with blue eyes, sunlight sensitivity may not just be a figment of their imagination—there’s science behind the squinting. Individuals with lighter eye colours, like blue or green, tend to have greater sensitivity to sunlight.  This heightened sensitivity doesn’t only affect your visual comfort but can also have implications for your long-term eye health. […]

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Blurriness?

A woman with dry eyes is experiencing blurred vision and other symptoms is getting an eye examination with an optician.

Dry eye disease is a condition that occurs when the eye doesn’t produce enough tears or good quality tears to lubricate the eye. Around 30% of Canadians experience symptoms associated with dry eye.  Symptoms aren’t hard to miss—itchiness, redness, burning, and light sensitivity. Besides the discomfort of these symptoms, dry eye disease can cause unclear […]

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The Best Treatments for Allergy Eyes

Young woman standing against a purple background as she rubs her eyes.

The Best Treatments for Managing Eye Allergies Allergies can cause disruptive symptoms, from constant sneezing to a running nose. But when your allergies start affecting your eyes, it can be challenging to carry out everyday tasks. Eye allergies can aggravate other eye conditions, including dry eye and an increased risk of eye infections. Diagnosing your […]

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