Our Practice in Calgary

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A Legacy of Quality Eye Care for Calgarians

Our Optometry practice has had the same clear mission since our founding in 1982: to take great care of our patients.

At Calgary Optometry Centre, enhancing your quality of life through vision and eye health is our passion. As leading eye care professionals, we strive to develop lifelong patient relationships through advanced technology, quality products, and exceptional service.

High-Tech Eye Care

In the field of optometry, new technologies continually further our ability to provide excellent patient care. Our practitioners are dedicated to constantly improving their knowledge to ensure you receive high-quality service. 

Advanced equipment, such as wide-field retinal scanning and 3D retinal imaging, gives us a perspective never before possible. Today, we can see your eye in incredible detail and pinpoint developing eye diseases, infections, or other conditions in need of attention.

Understanding Your Eyes

Part of an effective doctor-patient relationship is education. It’s not enough to give you our recommendations for your family’s eye health—we want you to understand why. Engaging in open dialogue about your eye care allows you to feel empowered about your health. 

We encourage all our patients to take an active role in their health, including the health of their eyes. We are happy to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. You only have one set of eyes—let’s work together to help keep them healthy!

Meet Our Doctors


Dr. Kent Prete



Dr. Edward Jang



Dr. Roland Bauder



Dr. Jean Shen



Dr. Amy Smith



Dr. Columbia Herzlinger



Dr. Gaganjeet Tamber



Dr. Jennifer Lowe


Serving Calgarians at 3 locations

Calgary Downtown

  • Suite 110, 840 7 Avenue SW
  • Calgary, Alberta T2P 3G2

Lake Bonavista

  • #630, 12100 Macleod Trail SE
  • Calgary, Alberta T2J 7G9

*The office is closed between 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm Mondays to Fridays.

Huntington Hills

  • 6530 4 Street NE
  • Calgary , Alberta T2K 6H2

*The office is closed between 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm Mondays to Fridays.

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Our Blog

The 4 Most Common Vision Problems Among Aging Adults

Eye Conditions

As we age, our bodies undergo various changes—that’s normal—and our vision is no exception! Understanding common eye problems that may come with age can help you and your loved ones maintain clear vision and protect your eye health for the long haul.  Regular eye exams are crucial in protecting your vision, as they help detect […]

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July 31, 2024
Dr. Kent Prete

Does Your Vision Get Worse if You Don’t Wear Glasses?

Frames & Lenses

Have you ever wondered if not wearing your glasses can make your vision worse? If so, you’re not alone. Many people worry that neglecting their glasses might lead to deteriorating eyesight.  While the answer generally is no, not wearing your glasses doesn’t lead to any particular damage to your vision, it does mean your eyes […]

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June 25, 2024
Dr. Kent Prete

Can You Sunburn Your Eyes?

Eye Conditions

Ensuring your eyes are protected from the harsh effects of the sun can be crucial for maintaining your eye health. While most people are aware of the importance of protecting their skin from harmful UV rays, it’s also important to know that your eyes can be equally vulnerable to sun damage.  Your eyes can indeed […]

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June 6, 2024
Dr. Kent Prete
An older adult sitting on a couch and adjusting his reading glasses as he squints to read something on his laptop screen.

As we age, our bodies undergo various changes—that’s normal—and our vision is no exception! Understanding common eye problems that may come with age can help you and your loved ones maintain clear vision and protect your eye health for the long haul.  Regular eye exams are crucial in protecting your vision, as they help detect […]

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Smiling young woman.

Have you ever wondered if not wearing your glasses can make your vision worse? If so, you’re not alone. Many people worry that neglecting their glasses might lead to deteriorating eyesight.  While the answer generally is no, not wearing your glasses doesn’t lead to any particular damage to your vision, it does mean your eyes […]

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smiling woman holding hand up to the sun

Ensuring your eyes are protected from the harsh effects of the sun can be crucial for maintaining your eye health. While most people are aware of the importance of protecting their skin from harmful UV rays, it’s also important to know that your eyes can be equally vulnerable to sun damage.  Your eyes can indeed […]

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