If you experience dry eyes, you are not alone. All over Canada, Canadians are experiencing symptoms from dry eyes. One of the reasons that you could be experiencing dry eye, could be allergies. Certain allergies can cause dry eyes and can be one of the underlying causes of your dry eyes. Allergies could be one […]
Do Blue Light Glasses Help With Dry Eyes?
Dry eyes are a common vision condition when your eyes have difficulty producing tears or high quality. Spending the day staring at a screen or monitor is one way you can strain your eyes and overexpose them to blue light. . Reducing your exposure with blue light glasses can eliminate some of the discomforts you […]
What Causes Dry Eye?
For your eyes to remain clean, healthy and protected, they need an adequate supply of healthy tears. Dry eye results when the eyes don’t produce enough or poor quality tears. Causes of dry eye disease can include aging, certain medications, medical conditions, and environmental factors, among others mentioned below. The lack of moisture in the […]
Can Dry Eyes Cause Blurriness?
Dry eye disease is a condition that occurs when the eye doesn’t produce enough tears or good quality tears to lubricate the eye. Around 30% of Canadians experience symptoms associated with dry eye. Symptoms aren’t hard to miss—itchiness, redness, burning, and light sensitivity. Besides the discomfort of these symptoms, dry eye disease can cause unclear […]
Are Eye Exams Free in Alberta?
Eye exams are critical for protecting your vision and eye health by aiding your optometrist in detecting early signs of eye disease as well as any vision issues. While eye exams are necessary, some people may avoid them due to financial concerns. Can you rely on Alberta government assistance to cover the cost of an […]
What Is a Comprehensive Eye Exam?
The most effective way to maintain and improve your eye health is to have regular comprehensive eye exams. Eye exams improve your vision, protect it from damage and disease, and allow your trusted optometrist to provide expert treatment and advice on your eye health. A comprehensive eye exam uses a variety of tests that your […]
Multifocal Contacts for Myopia Control: How They Work
Globally, an increasing number of children are becoming myopic. Many parents are concerned because this eye disease can worsen year after year. Your child’s well-being is the most important thing to you as their parent. How do you keep their vision from deteriorating if they have myopia? Special types of contact lenses have been shown […]
What Is Myopia Control?
Odds are, you know someone who suffers from myopia. This common visual condition is becoming more common in North America, but most people are unaware of it. Myopia, or nearsightedness, is affecting an increasing number of children and adolescents. This condition causes the eyeball to be slightly longer than usual from front to back. Light […]
Why Are My Kid’s Eyes Red?
Redness is your eye’s natural response when it becomes irritated or infected. Sometimes, red eyes will be the only symptom you’ll experience, and, other times, it can come with other symptoms like dryness, itchiness, or pain. Most of the time, red eyes actually look a lot worse than they feel. If you’ve noticed that your […]
How to Give Your Child Eye Drops
If you struggle with uncomfortable vision or have had an eye infection in the past, you’re probably familiar with eye drops and how they can help. But if your child also struggles with these issues, you might be wondering how you can manage their symptoms by using eye drops. Your child deserves to enjoy comfortable, […]